Mga Pahina

Miyerkules, Oktubre 5, 2016

Parenthood: Educate yourself about the market

Stock Market Anchor at 25 years old, and it made a difference in many lives. Watch out for bargains
and regularly investing the dividend yielding stocks, and those efforts is to be paid off when you're a parent. Unsure where to start? Read the news and dive into financial books to get basic tips about being in charge of your money. 

Miyerkules, Setyembre 28, 2016

Parenthood: Compare yourself with how others are doing financially to motivate you to do better

It's normal to be envious or a little insecure of friends who can still rely on their parents' financial
support even when they're already working, but use it as a tool to outperform your peers. By comparing yourself to your friends, you'll be motivated to work hard, be innovative and to really bring out the best in yourself. Besides learning to be independent is something you'd want your kids to learn-and you can teach them before you've gone through the same thing.

Miyerkules, Setyembre 21, 2016

Parenthood: Find Financial Mentor

Earning your own money is exciting, but it can also be overwhelming. Find someone you trust-it can
be your parent, sibling, or a legitimate financial consultant-who is willing to guide and lead you into making good financial decisions. Make sure it's someone who can walk the talk. One who is teaching you the method of investment the way he/she did, and has benefited from it.

Miyerkules, Setyembre 14, 2016

Parenthood: Investing early is more advantageous

If you start investing in your twenties, your cash will grow through the power of compounding, and
the earlier you start, the more years you'll have to generate earnings. Make your money work for you as soon as you can and as often as you can because you'll enjoy the much needed dividend payoffs when you become a parent, when your time is limited and when your appetite for risk is far less.

Miyerkules, Setyembre 7, 2016

Parenthood: It's perfectly okay to want nice things so long as you can afford it.

As you move up the corporate ladder, your salary also increases. So there's nothing wrong if you
want to dine out, do a little shopping or reward yourself for a job well done. Enjoy a few quality and luxury experiences and items once in a while, but nothing to decadent, too often. When you become parent, these rewards also change in kind, like get-togethers and trips with the family, or a date night with the partner.

Miyerkules, Agosto 31, 2016

Parenthood: SAVING a portion of your paycheck each month will have a BIG payoff in the FUTURE

Having your own savings will make you feel more secure, knowing that you have a fund that will tide
you over in cases of emergency. Parents should start saving and teaching their children to save portion of their monthly income. Start saving 5% percent of your income, then gradually adding it. You can save your money in the bank or having an insurance. Start cutting your expenditures a little, then continue removing expenses that are not necessary. Identify your needs and wants, put priority to your needs, postpone buying your wants to decide if your really want it, otherwise they will be just waste of money. Stop from being an impulse buyer if you're one of them. Never follow a route that will lead you to spending. Plan before spending your hard earn money. And remember that, it is not how much you earn that matters, but how much save for your future spending.  

Martes, Agosto 30, 2016

How to Play Pokémon GO, Get Started and Catch them All

What Is It?
Pokémon GO is an AR game, meaning that it uses real world settings and adds in a fantasy layer on top of that. That fantasy layer is, of course, the insanely popular Nintendo franchise that launched on the original Game Boy in 1996 and gave the popular primitive portable a second renaissance. In this enhanced take of Pokémon, players travel the world capturing a variety of cute and charming monsters inside Pokeballs, raise their stats, and battle them against each other on a smartphone.
By 'travel the world' here, it is to be taken literally. You need to move around to succeed in Pokémon GO, visiting locations to catch monsters, get items, and more.
Where You Can Play
Originally, Niantic has only rolled the game out in the US, New Zealand, and Australia. Just recently, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, and most of Europe gained access to Pokémon GO and, as of August 6 2016, major cities around Southeast Asia have been included as well. Latin America had been given access some days before

Lunes, Agosto 29, 2016

Habits of Highly Productive People

Find focus with a simple ritual.
Try making your favorite morning activity—sipping tea, walking around the block—a mind-clearing pre-work ritual. Devoting a few minutes to relaxing and centering can help erase and even prevent mental frazzle, according to Paul Silverman, an executive coach for Fortune 500 companies, who draws on his training in Zen Buddhism to teach clients how to develop single-minded attention: “The purpose is to deepen your breath, make you energized, and help you come into the moment, fully focused and concentrated—a skill many exceptional people have.”

Establish a clear mission statement and assign incremental project goals to keep everyone on track.
People who devote time to focusing on project plans before the project even starts, according to Silverman, are far less likely to find themselves lost in the weeds, wondering how to proceed—and procrastinating. “Take as much time as you need working with colleagues to get consensus and define, down to one crystal-clear line, what you are trying to accomplish,” he says. Pre-determining measurable benchmarks also helps everyone stay focused on the parts of a project they’re responsible for. Finally, with a clear mission

Huwebes, Agosto 25, 2016

Bullet Journaling May Change Your To-Do Lists Forever

To get started with your journal, follow these steps, and watch Carroll’s video for a bit of extra guidance.

1. Identify and number your pages.
All of your pages should be numbered to make items easier to find. Number every page of your journal in the bottom left hand corner. Then title each page—the easiest thing to do is start with the first day of the month, and move on from there. One “cycle” of a bullet journal lasts two months. Note: Don’t start on the first page of the journal. Leave a few pages blank (more on that later).

2. Create your key.
When you create a list on the page, don’t write it as a to-do list. That’s where “rapid logging” comes

Martes, Agosto 23, 2016

Shopping with Children

Take care of business
Make sure that your baby has a clean diaper before leaving home so that you can reduce – or avoid – the number of trips to the changing station while shopping.

Time your trip wisely
Head shopping when your baby is well-rested, well-fed and in a good mood. Make a note of when your shop is at its busiest and avoid shopping during those hours.

Pack a bag of tricks
Bring a dummy or a toy with you in case your baby gets restless. Don't forget to talk to your baby as

Linggo, Agosto 21, 2016

Planning to be great parents

Take some time to talk over your thoughts on general baby care, night-time feeding, sleeping arrangements and the many other changes that are about to transform your lifestyle.

Team Player

Fathers nowadays often want to share parenting responsibilities as much as possible. But have you and your partner actually sat down and discussed your thoughts on parenthood, parenting plans and what you both mean by being good parents? Is it about you doing half the diaper changes? Will you be expected to assist with feeding? And what about sharing the sleepless nights? This stage of the pregnancy, when your partner is starting to feel better and more energized, is a good time to bring up topics such as this and establish

Advice and Tips for Childbirth

Here are a few of the skills that you'll learn to assist you in delivery and beyond:

1. Pelvic Rock

Labour benefit:

Decreases the discomfort of back labour by helping the baby to move into an anterior position, with the back of the head towards the mother's abdomen and the face towards the mother's back.
Life skill:

Soothes lower backache. It also strengthens abdominal muscles and improves posture.
How it's done

Tips on Choosing a Mountain Bike

Main types of mountain bikes

Firstly, it’s important that you understand the 3 main types of mountain bikes. There is rigid style which has no suspension at all, hardtail that comes with suspension at the front, and full suspension which gives you complete control at both the front and back.

Needless to say, picking the right type of mountain bike for the terrain you intend to ride on will go a long way in making sure you make the correct decision

Decide your budget

How to Lose Weight Quickly

The More You Do, the Better Your Results

Everyone knows that regular exercise will help keep you healthy. Likewise it’s obvious that changing your diet will also do the same. Choosing just one will help you begin to lose weight and get fit, but the true wonder begins to happen when you combine both regular exercise and a well-balanced diet together. As long as you choose your activities wisely, you’ll see incredible results; selecting an exercise regimen that focuses on moderate cardiovascular exercise three to five days a week for at least half an hour at a time is ideal for burning fat, and a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, high in protein, and low in carbohydrates works in concert to help you drop weight safely and swiftly.

Awesome Anti Aging Tips For Your Skin

Use a good moisturizer

No matter if you are 25 or 50, it always pays to use a good moisturizer to keep dry skin at bay and to maintain good hydration levels that keep the skin cells healthy. There are many cheap moisturizing products out there that do the job, which means you don’t need to spend a fortune.

In a nutshell, you should aim to select a moisturizer that suits your skin type and is produced from mostly natural ingredients.

Drink 8 glasses of water

Medical professionals recommend that you drink at least 8 glasses of water every single day. The